
Inspirational quote for the day- LOVE

Many a philosopher has said that Man is the measure of all things. But clearly the Bible says that Love is the measure of all things. In everything that we consciously do in life whether it's work-related, family duty-related, fellowship-related or church-related, the merits of these actions are commensurate with the Love that we put into them. No wonder Mother Theresa has said that "we don't usually do great things, but we can always do little things with Great Love".

Inspirational quote for the day

There are so many instances in life that we think and believe that we know what is best for ourselves. This may not be altogether bad but it becomes so when we get fixated on what we WANT. It is better to entrust circumstances to the Almighty and let His power transform our minds first- and the circumstances later. What's important is that through all things we remember the lessons that will guide us through thick and thin.

Inspirational quote for the day

Some people with glaring disabilities or lack of resources have managed to excel in life. While many others who have much more than they do continue to be mediocres (and cynics!). A supernatural inspiration has indeed descended on the minds of these ordinary people who've made extraordinary accomplishments because they refused to look at their pitiable conditions which they could do nothing but accept and instead used their unique gift from our Creator. Because placed in His hands what little we have can amount to something much.

Inspirational quote for the day

It is sometimes hard to give up the urge to control what occurs in our life. Perhaps because human nature is wired to be the "Master of creation". But are we the masters of our fate? In the history of civilization it is said that many of the most destructive and devastating consequences of human actions happened when Man thought that he is absolutely right. Cede this inclination to always be in command, in control to the God who made you because He knows what truly works.

Inspirational quote for the day

Everything that God allows to happen is with a purpose. He uses even the worst error and the deepest hurt to mold us into a person of worth and value if we just let Him. That is why in the light of the eternal plan, trials can be significant moments of grace. There are much more valuable lessons we learn during the challenging times of our life than when everything is as we want things to be.

Inspirational quote for the day

We believe that there is an inherent ORDER in all of creation. Because we know that our Creator has ordered things according to His Almighty wisdom. Thus He has left nothing to chance. Although we have our own freedom, we can choose to follow His order. We may not understand why despite the apparent chaotic nature of things in this world, as Ilya Progogine's book says, there is "Order out of Chaos". If so, then why be afraid? After all we cannot control so many or much of what 's around us. We then have to leave everything in the hands of a Higher Power. He is in perfect control of all that exists.

Inspirational quote for the day

We accept whatever may happen in our life- the great, the good, the not so-good and the slightly bad- for events and conditions are always there for a good reason. And remember that in the darkest moments of Life, God's light shines brightest!